It's has no working heat or air, neither window will work anymore, the headlights won't go up and down (they are stuck in the up position which makes it look like a frogs eyes), power steering leak, etc. etc.... I am so overdue for a non-lemon automobile!
My mom and grandparents are talking about getting me another car. I was told today that they are going Monday to try and work out a deal on this really cute black Acura that my grandpa took me to see just a bit ago. It's super cute and has leather seats and a built in gps!
I was proud of myself! When he asked what I wanted so that he knew what to look for I told him anything other than my car! Beggars can't be choosers... I do really hope that this new car thing works itself out, I mean afterall being stranded really sucks and I will be able to pay them back soon I hope!
Anyway, I was just wanting to talk about that for a second... Update ya later!
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